See our feature on Tecwyn’s career development from NZSSC member to international conductor based in Sweden.

See our feature on Madison’s adventures since her time in the NZSSC

See our feature on Clinton’s time with NZSSC and career development since then.

As a student at Ashburton College, the now internationally acclaimed tenor joined the NZSSC in 1988. See our feature on this champion of the NZSSC.

See our feature on Benson’s hugely successful career since his days in the NZSSC.

Carole brings a range of skills to her role as NZSSC Student Wellbeing and Course Logistics Manager. She has worked at the University of Otago College of Education lecturing in Music Education and Professional Practice for 21 years after teaching in numerous primary schools. She has also been a Music Adviser in Otago and Southland and a member of the Ministry of Education Arts panel in writing the current NZ Arts Curriculum.

She is chairperson of the NZ Choral Federation Otago region and coordinator of the Otago BIG SING and in 2013 the National Finale. She is a choral singer and conductor, currently conducting the Dunedin Star Singers choir and Tahuna School Intermediate choir. She has been with the NZSSC since 2011.

Anna studied languages and business at Waikato University and later, during years working and travelling in the UK, decided on a career in arts management. Following postgraduate studies in Arts Administration at London City University, she worked in touring theatre production in the north of England. On her return to New Zealand, Anna joined Taki Rua Productions as Business Manager, producing ground-breaking theatre from Maori playwrights including Witi Ihimaera, Toa Fraser and Briar Grace-Smith, and touring Maori language plays to schools and kohanga reo throughout New Zealand. Anna joined NZ Secondary Students’ Choir in 2009, working alongside Musical Director Andrew Withington for nine years, then current MD Sue Densem.

Brent Stewart is currently Orpheus Choir Wellington’s Music Director, Orchestra Wellington’s Principal Percussionist, and NZSSC’s Assistant Director. On the side, Brent also serves as NZSO’s director of filming. Brent was HoD Music at Wellington East Girls’ College from 2010-2019 and Music Director of the Hutt Valley Orchestra from 2007-2017. Coming up, Brent will be conducting Benee’s New Zealand tour with the NZSO and Auckland Philharmonia, plus the NZ Synthony tour with Christchurch Symphony Orchestra, Orchestra Wellington and APO. Brent is also conducting Red! with New Zealand Opera in August and preparing for a French programme with the St Matthew’s Chamber Orchestra in September. Also on the calendar to conduct this year is Szymanowski’s Stabat Mater and Bach’s B Minor Mass with            Orchestra Wellington and Orpheus Choir Wellington.


Susan is conductor, singer and multi-instrumentalist. She began her professional singing career in 1986 with Canterbury Opera and has performed with Queensland Opera and New Zealand Opera. Susan has sung as a soloist for many choral societies within New Zealand and Australia, touring extensively overseas with a number of ensembles.

After completing her music degree and teaching qualifications in Christchurch she studied voice at the Queensland Conservatorium of Music. In Queensland she worked with the Queensland Arts Council and Opera company performing opera in schools across the state.

Susan currently works as an Itinerant Teacher of Music at Burnside High School where she teaches voice and conducts two award winning choirs. She is a past Music Director of the Jubilate Singers and the University of Canterbury Chamber Choir (Consortia).

As a chorister Susan has sung in the Jubilate Singers, The Queensland University Chamber Singers, the New Zealand Youth Choir and is a current member of Voices New Zealand.

Diana Cable has 24 years’ experience in the arts sector. After 4 years as an Industrial Relations Officer in the State Services Commission, Diana turned to the arts in 1986. One year managing Wellington City Opera was followed by 10 years as a Music Producer at Radio New Zealand Concert. She then worked as an independent producer for 7 years and was appointed as Artistic Administrator of the New Zealand International Arts Festival in 2003, after working for the Festival on a contract basis from 1997.

Having managed the Lexus Song Quest (formerly Mobil) since 1990, Diana also has considerable experience working with young singers.

Diana is a member of the Board of Trustees of Choirs Aotearoa New Zealand and Chair of its Artistic Advisory Group, a member of the Wellington Creative Communities grants committee and a Past President of the New Zealand Opera Society.

Diana is an alumnus of the New Zealand Youth Choir.

Emma Billings has worked for Choirs Aotearoa NZ since April 2005, both in her current role as Operations Manager and previously as the Choir Administrator.

Emma came to the choirs after spending three years working for the Centre for Contemporary Arts (CCA) in Glasgow, Scotland, and previously for Arts Access Aotearoa and the Museum of Wellington City and Sea.

She has always been interested in arts management and completed a BA in Art History and BCA in Marketing at Victoria University of Wellington.