A message from Choirs Aotearoa New Zealand
Thursday 19 March 2020

Kia ora friends of our national choirs,
Today’s announcement by the government to limit indoor events to 100 people means that most of our activities will be impacted. These restrictions will most certainly be in place during April when we had planned several concerts. Some of these concerts have already been cancelled and more cancellations will follow. This is disappointing news for singers and audiences alike and will affect many professional artists, contractors, suppliers and their whānau. But these are unprecedented circumstances and we are fully committed to keep our people safe and healthy.
At the same time, we don’t want to stop our music-making, developing our singers and bringing music to you. We will now put our thinking caps on and consider new ways to create and share our music going forward.
We will keep you posted on our website and facebook pages about our work and music.
Until then stay safe and well, we are grateful for your support.
Noho ora mai 🌱